Small Groups
Lesson Plan – April 29, 2020
Putting Faith to Work in Trying Times: Divine Visions Scripture Reading: Genesis 15:1-6, Hebrews 10:7 Introduction This week our study in the series will focus on studying how God employs the visions He has placed in our heart to power us through the finish line. Before the fall of Adam and Eve there was no…
Read MoreLesson Plan – April 22, 2020
Putting Faith to Work in Trying Times II Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:9 -14 Introduction Ever since Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden due to sin, humans have faced all manner of challenges. The Adamic race has since produced after his kind rather than God’s kind (Genesis 5:1-3). The consequences of sin have ravaged…
Read MoreLesson Plan – April 15, 2020
Putting Faith to Work in Trying Times Scripture Reading: James 2:14-26 Introduction Do you wonder what could happen if the economy of our country or many nations of the world remain shut down and people are mandated to stay home for an additional month due to COVID-19 or other flu plagues? What do you think?…
Read MoreLesson Plan – April 8, 2020
Faith Over Fear Scripture Reading: Isaiah 43:1-10, Psalm 34:1-10 Introduction Fear is our emotional response to something, a person or situation that appears dangerous. It leads to a lingering sense of foreboding. On the other hand faith is our investment of trust in someone else other than ourselves. As Christians we are called to walk…
Read MoreLesson Plan – March 4, 2020
Gospel Identity Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Introduction In our video message excerpt for today’s study and discussion, Greg talked about being rescued out of a highway ditch by a tow truck for $25. Just like the truck in a ditch, there are times in our lives where we cannot rescue ourselves. If each one…
Read MoreLesson Plan – February 19, 2020
Follow Jesus #2 Scripture Reading: John 6:1-3 Introduction There is no doubt that following Jesus is a joyful experience. However there are challenges that come with the decision to follow Jesus. It was after the disciples entered the boat with Jesus that they encountered a storm. Our response to the challenges that arise may be…
Read MoreLesson Plan – February 5, 2020
Follow Jesus Scripture Reading: Matthew 4:19-22 Introduction Our theme for this year is “Follow Jesus.” To follow Jesus means to practice his teachings. Followers are called disciples. Looking around at our world today, it appears that following Jesus is becoming increasingly difficult especially considering the fact that Christians are the butt of jokes on national…
Read MoreLesson Plan – January 22, 2020
Grow Your Faith in God Teaching video taken from the message Hearing the Voice of God #3 Scripture Reading: Romans 10:17 Introduction It is impossible to succeed as a Christian without exercising faith in God. Romans 10:17 teaches that our faith only grows through hearing God’s word. Romans 1:17 says that “the just shall live…
Read MoreLesson Plan – January 8, 2020
Your Divine Assignment Scripture Reading: John 3:16, John 20:21-22 Introduction Today we will conclude our conversation on Divine Assignment. Last time we met, we talked about 7 assignment killers. Today we shall explore 7 assignment boosters. While assignment killers loom to truncate our work and walk with God, assignment boosters help us succeed. 7 Assignment…
Read MoreLesson Plan – December 18, 2019
Your Divine Assignment Scripture Reading: John 3:16, John 20:21-22 Introduction In December many Christians worldwide celebrate the birth of Jesus who was sent by God as Saviour of mankind. While some believers disagree about celebrating His birth, it is important to note that the scriptures that record events around His birth have an abundance of…
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