Lesson Plan – March 30, 2022

“Make it a habit to worship with your life. “

Scripture Reading: (Colossians 3:14-17) (Psalm 63) (James 2:14-17) (Please read and discuss with the questions)


It’s cool to be passionate about something, but sometimes the things we love can actually become objects of worship. Sometimes we develop habits that lead to spending our time thinking about, looking at, and spending our time and energy on things that aren’t exactly the best things. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking our habits — some good, some bad, and some neutral. We’ve also talked about the habits we can add to our lives that will help us grow in our relationship with God: spending time with God, investing in our relationships, and sharing our faith stories. Today we’re going to finish our series by talking about the things we worship. We all worship something, but based on your habits, what is it that you worship?


It’s cool to be passionate about something, but sometimes the things we love can actually become objects of worship. (Colossians 3:14-17)

  • What’s something unique that you’re really passionate about?
  • What do you think the difference is between being passionate about something and worshiping something?
  • What do you think it means to worship something (or someone)?

No matter what else competes for your love and attention, God’s love is better. (Psalm 63)

  • What are some specific ways we can worship God on our own? With others?
  • Have you ever had a meaningful worship experience with God? What happened and why was it meaningful?
  • What misconceptions do you think people sometimes have about worship?

We can worship God by loving others. (James 2:14-17)

  • Do you agree with James? Why or why not?
  • What are some specific ways we can worship God by loving other people?
  • Why do you think loving others counts as an act of worship to God?
  • This week, what’s one habit you want to develop to help you worship with your life? How will you do it?


Whether you’re at church, at school, walking, eating, shopping, playing football, doing homework, or hanging with friends, you always have opportunities to honor and connect with God through worship. Worship is about loving God and loving others. When we allow love to be a part of everything we do, we are worshiping God. Our worship then becomes something that not only changes our life but the lives of everyone around us. When we show love to others, it has the potential to transform our lives and theirs too. So what do you think could happen to your faith, and to the people you choose to love, if you made it a habit to worship God with your life?


  • Pray (Colossians 3:12-17) over your loved ones and yourself.
  • Take some time and pray or sing out (Psalm 63) in worship to God.
  • Thank God for the answered prayers and for what He is doing at Joy Fountain Church.
  • Pray for one another as needed.


  • Join us for our Prayer Summit Saturday April 2 2022 from 12pm-3pm
  • Next Small Groups April 13 2022

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