Lesson Plan – December 22, 2021

“Jesus brings joy”

Scripture Reading: (Zephaniah 3:14-20)  (Luke 2:25-38) (Hebrews 12:2) (Romans 15:13) (James 1:2) (Philippians 4:4) (Please read and discuss with the questions)


Christmas is a season filled with good things. From the little details that are easy to overlook to the big Christmas moments with our families and community, there are so many things about Christmas that can bring us joy. But let’s be real. A lot of people can struggle with finding joy. Christmas can also mean plenty of stress, a bunch of family drama, and maybe even some grief. So is it possible to find joy even when it’s difficult? And is there something about the Christmas story specifically that can unlock the secret of joy?


Zephaniah had a message of joy for God’s people. (Zephaniah 3:14-20)

  • What are some things that bring you joy at Christmas?
  • What has been the happiest moment of your life so far? How long did that happiness last?
  • What are some of the things that can disrupt our happiness?

When Simeon and Anna met Jesus, they couldn’t contain their joy. (Luke 2:25-38)

  • How do you think “joy” is different from “happiness”?
  • How does Jesus bring us joy?

Jesus came to help us find joy in the midst of difficulties. (Hebrews 12:2) (Romans 15:13) (James 1:2) (Philippians 4:4)

  • What’s something going on right now that’s making you unhappy?
  • When you’re unhappy, what’s something that helps you choose joy?
  • How is it possible to rejoice “always” – even when we’re unhappy?


This Christmas, you might be carrying some feelings, stress, or burdens that don’t feel very joyful. Or, if you’re not, you probably know someone who is. At Christmastime, you may not always feel like singing “Joy to the World,” but here’s the thing I’ve discovered. With Jesus, joy is always possible (even when happiness isn’t) because joy runs deeper than our circumstances. No matter what’s going on in your life or in the world right now, let’s spend a few moments celebrating the joy we can all find in Jesus, because that’s what this season is all about — the joy our Savior brings.


  • Let us thank God for sending His Son baby Jesus to bring us Joy. (Luke 2:25-38)
  • Let’s pray for the ability to choose Joy this Christmas season always! (Philippians 4:4)
  • Pray for one another as needed.


  • Next Small Groups January 4 2022

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