Lesson Plan – December 8, 2021

“God has a plan!”

Scripture Reading: (Genesis 3:1-15)  (Jeremiah 33:14-16) (Matthew 1:1-17) (Philippians 1:6) (Psalm 139:13-18) (Please read and discuss with the questions)


Christmas is almost here! Which means there’s a lot for us to look forward to — sometimes impatiently. But you know the saying, “good things come to those who wait”? It’s true for Christmases now, but it was true on the very first Christmas as well. You see, the day Jesus came to earth wasn’t a sudden surprise. It was the first step in a long-awaited plan. Let’s hear the Christmas story from the perspective of the prophets in the Old Testament, who foretold and then waited for the good things God had in store. Christmas is a reminder of what the prophets proclaimed: that God has always had a plan, that Jesus completes God’s plan, that God’s plans bring joy, and that God’s plans require sacrifice.


Because of sin, humanity’s relationship with God was altered forever. It might seem like God’s plans had already gone wrong, but instead, we get the first hints of God’s plan. (Read Genesis 3:1-15) (Jeremiah 33:14-16)

  • Have you ever had a Christmas plan that didn’t go according to plan? Tell us about it!
  • When God made everything, it was all good — so what went wrong?
  • How would you explain the plan God put in place to fix what went wrong in the world?

Hundreds of years after the book of Jeremiah was written, we were given the book of Matthew, which helps us see how this family tree turned out. (Read Matthew 1:1-17)

  • Why do you think this family tree is important to know?
  • Why do you think God made humanity wait so long for Jesus?

God had a plan to make good things happen for all of humanity? The same thing is true for you personally, your life was always part of the plan. (Read Philippians 1:6) (Psalm 139:13-18)

  • When you look back on your life so far, where do you see God at work?
  • What do you think Philippians 1:6 can teach us about God’s plans for the future?
  • Is it ever hard for you to trust God has a plan? If so, what would help you be more trusting?


In Conclusion, so much of the Christmas season is about remembering the past and waiting for the future. For centuries, God had been telling the world through prophets that a Savior was on the way. God’s plans were already in motion before we even knew we needed those plans. From the Garden of Eden, to King David, to Jeremiah, and beyond, God’s plans were in motion even though humanity had to wait for them. So let this holiday season be a reminder to you that even when you’re waiting impatiently, that this is as true now as it was back then. That God has a plan and God’s plans for us are good.


  • Let’s thank God that He has always had a plan to set the wrong things right. And that we are part of that plan. (Genesis 3:1-15)
  • Let’s thank God for sending His Son Jesus to die for us and restore what was lost in the garden. (Genesis 3:1-15)
  • Thank God for starting and for promising to finish the good work He began in you. (Philippians 1:6)
  • Pray that God will bring people across our paths this Christmas season who need to hear His great plan, and that we will share it boldly.
  • Pray for one another as needed.


  • Next Small Groups December 22 2021
  • Worship the King December 18 2021 at 106 Burnett Ave 6:30pm
  • Christmas Offering November 1 – December 25 The proceeds will go towards completing our kitchen. If the Lord speaks to your heart to give to this special offering, please pray about it and give whatever you feel led to. https://joyfountainchurch.com/give

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