Jesus The Power of God 5 – Prayer Application
Scripture Reading: (Ephesians 6:18) (Matthew 7:7-8) (3 John 2)
Last time we met we took some time to practice praying for 1 hour as a small group. We have decided to incorporate this going forward in some of our small group sessions maybe once every two months to ensure that we take time to pray during the whole season. The calendar for the next small group season will include some days for prayer. Today we will focus on Health and Wealth in prayer. We have several church members who are going through health problems and they can use our prayer at this time. Also the sunday messages have focused on God and His wealth. We will always begin prayer sessions with thanksgiving and praise. May the Lord hear our prayers in Jesus’ name.
Prayer Session
Thanksgiving and Praise:
- Give thanks for Divine protection in all areas upon God’s people. (Psalm 125:2)
- Give thanks for all the babies born in the church during the lockdown. (John 16:21)
- Praise God for continuous provision for the church building project. (Philippians 4:19)
- Pray and speak healing for the following JFC members and any others you may know who have some health struggles. (Jennilyn Law, Kevin Manness, Terri McGraw.) Use them as a point of contact to anyone in the church who may be struggling with a health problem during this time. (John 11:4)
- Rebuke the devourer of our health in the name of Jesus. (1 John 3:8)
- Pray for wisdom so that health workers don’t make mistakes with diagnosis, health records and reports of anyone. (Proverbs 2:6)
- Call on divine health for God’s people and for wisdom to know what we need to do individually to keep healthy. (3 John 2)
- Declare promotion for the people of God wherever we have jobs and own businesses for prosperity to rain on us to have more than enough to do God’s work. (Zechariah 1:17)
- Declare divine rewards for all those who choose to tithe or give a portion on their income. (Psalm 20:1-3)
- Pray for those who are trusting God for better jobs and pay opportunities.
- Rebuke the curse of poverty where it may have a stronghold in any lives in JFC in the name of Jesus. (Mark 11:12-14, 20-21)
- Pray that we use our resources wisely and remember the poor as God blesses us. (Matthew 26:6-13)
Let us strive as Eagle christians to make prayer a priority in our personal lives. Have you ever thought of spending a portion of the night or even a whole night in prayer? Imagine if you asked God for the grace for that and imagine the results that would occur in the changes to you and others around you? See (Luke 6:12)
- Our next Small Groups is March 31 2021
- If you missed it the end times teaching event with Brad Sullivan from Surge Church, is available to watch on our website
- We are down to looking for $30,000 for our church project. Keep praying and helping as you can.