Lesson Plan – November 06, 2019

Do Not Lose Faith Part II

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:38-47 


Today we will conclude our conversation on firming up our faith in the face of difficulties. Jesus visits Martha’s home, building a relationship with her household including her sister Mary and brother Lazarus. Martha complained about Mary sitting at Jesus feet to learn while she was busy making things ready. The Lord remarked that “there is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her.” In other words Mary’s faith will not be taken from her. The enemy is at work to discredit and hamstring our confidence (faith) in Christ. Your faith will not be taken from you in Jesus name. Amen

Discuss the effect of Lazarus death on Mary and Martha in John 11:17-22 (Read)

  1. Why do you think Mary stayed home while Martha went out to meet Jesus?
  2. Would you say from Martha’s words that her faith was challenged by the situation?

Discuss Mary’s words when she met Jesus in John 11:28-32 (Read)

  1. Do you sometimes feel that God has let you down? Are you ever frustrated as a believer when things don’t go well? What feelings or thoughts run through your mind?
  2. How did Lazarus story end? John 11:43-44 (Read)
Do you have any examples in your life where God has brought you through a difficult season? 

Conclusion & Prayer (Read Hebrews 10:35-36)

  • Let us pray for the grace to believe and never lose faith knowing that all things work together for our good and that God is in charge of our lives no matter the situation we are confronted with.
  • Pray for our Dream Team as we begin the work in earnest at our new location.


Please don’t forget to pray for our project and to determine what you will give towards the renovation of 106 Burnett Avenue #ahomeforjoy

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