Lesson Plan – October 16, 2019

Do Not Lose Faith Part I

Scripture Reading: Luke 18:1-8


In recent news, there appears to be an increase in departure from the Christian faith by notable celebrities who once served as champions. These individuals also have a large Christian following on social media. A notable example is Joshua Harris, author of the famous book “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.” A few weeks after Joshua Harris denounced following Jesus, an associate pastor of a large church in the US took his own life. Many other stories like these abound causing great concern and anxiety for some believers.

Discuss following Jesus in the light of the Joshua Harris type announcement

  1. Who is a Christian and who (should) Christians follow? See Acts 11:26
  2. What is the difference between an individual Christian celebrity and yourself?
  3. Why do you think some Christian celebrities denounce the Christian faith?
  4. Is it possible for us (you) to lose faith as well?

Discuss Luke 18:1-8

  • What can you say about The Judge and The woman who are the principal characters in this story? 
  • Does the woman in this story somehow inspire your faith? See Vs. 6-8
  • Jesus is right now asking the same question. Will He find faith in you? 

Conclusion & Prayer

In John 6:37-39 (please read)Jesus promised to keep those who come to Him. It makes sense to run to Him for the protection He promised if we must keep faith strong. Let us pray the following:

  • Praise God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and ask for His help daily.
  • Pray for strength for those who may be struggling with their faith
  • Any other praise or requests?


This Sunday special feature, Rap Praise with Messanjah. Invite someone to church and be early as service starts at 10:30 am.

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