Lesson Plan – April 3, 2019

What are you thinking?

Read: Matthew 9:20-22, Proverbs 23:7, (NKJV or KJV),  Romans 12:2 (NLT)


Our thoughts have the power to shape our lives. Jesus made it clear that thoughts are primary to everything else. (See Matthew 12:33 and Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). If we know how much weight and value our thoughts have in relation to our lives, we are more likely to work on our thoughts to ensure we are thinking what pleases the Lord. The woman in our text (let’s call her Hannah-Jane) changed her life when she began to say to herself what she was thinking. Before she “SAID IT” to herself, she had already “THOUGHT IT” to herself.

Discuss Hannah-Jane from Matthew 9:20-22

  1. In light of Hannah-Jane’s story, why do we need to work on our thoughts? What lesson/s do we learn from her?
  2. How do you think most people would think to themselves today (including Christians) if they had a lingering problem?
  3. Read Phillipians 4:8-9. Make a list of all we are to think on. What is the promised result of practicing this pattern of thinking? See Vs. 9
  4. Is it possible to think these right thoughts when you are going through a rough patch?

How to practice right thinking over wrong thinking

  1. Understand that wrong thinking will dig you further into a hole. Imagine “shooting yourself in the foot”
  2. Change your thoughts quickly every time you start “stinking thinking”
  3. Be intentional in asking the Holy Spirit for help. That’s why you have Him in your life. Read John 14:26
  4. Make a conscious effort to hang out with right thinkers more than wrong thinkers.


Hannah-Jane changed her life byRight Thinking about Jesus and herself first. Right Thinking plus Right Speaking is an elixir for success in life. It provides a better chance out of difficult situations. The opposite is true as well. What are you thinking about Jesus?


  • Praise God for the gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • Ask for the help of The Holy Spirit.
  • Pray 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 for us all


The last small group meeting is on April 17. It will be a time of fellowship, food and fun. You may choose to have a potluck, eat out or whatever you want to do to celebrate the end of another successful season of learning together at Jesus’ feet!

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