Lesson Plan – November 7, 2018


Finding and enjoying personal peace

People travel far and wide to find locations that are isolated in order to enjoy peace. The peace that Jesus gives is deep seated within our spirit and therefore travels with us everywhere. It stems from making peace with God.

It is more important to receive and grow in the personal peace God gives within ourselves than locational peace.


Have you ever gone to a location to find peace. What’s that like?

Have you personally experienced God as “The God of Peace”?

Jude writes “Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.” Jude‬ ‭1:3. What would multiplied peace look like?

“Practice” is one important key to personal peace

What and how must we practice? Read and discuss Philippians 4:6-9

Can you conclude that these scriptures point to practice of our faith being the foundation of divine peace? See Verse 9


Practice, practice, practice. We must practice our faith. Read Philippians 4:9 again. May you grow in the peace of God.

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