Following Jesus in the COVID-19 Environment #1

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Scripture Reading

Psalm 91, Matthew 24:3-14, 1 Timothy 1:7


Sudden fear and perplexity have come on the land AGAIN with Covid 19. Everything is being shut down. Many in North America have not had their lives disrupted like this before. Confusion and fear reign in many hearts. The biggest sign to the confusion reigning in many hearts is the panic buying at grocery stores of certain items such as toilet paper in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, etc. While food and other essentials are being purchased, certain items have been hoarded by people who intend to make a profit off others from creating artificial scarcity. As believers how are we to respond in a time like this? How do we live in faith when fear is what seems to prevail?

Here are some interesting examples of panic behavioural attitudes happening within the Covid-19 environment:

Study and Discussion

The Toilet Paper et al Pandemonium

  • Why do you think people are buying so much toilet paper? Is this a sign? What does this reveal about us as humans? 
  • Should followers of Jesus be engaged in hoarding? If yes why? If No why? Any scriptures you know to prove your yes or no?
  • Should followers of Jesus be fighting over anything in Walmart? Why do you say YES or NO?
  • Read John 14:25-27 and let us discuss why you think we are COMMANDED to “NOT FEAR” by the Lord Jesus. 
  • Will Covid-19 be the last pandemic? What do you think? And why?

4 Things for us to do

  • STAY in the Word of God. EAT the scriptures and let Jesus speak to you by His Spirit. Colossians 3:16
  • FILL your home, car, environment with worship and praise music. Psalm 149
  • Take CARE of yourself first so you can be useful to others. Philippians 2:4
  • Be a BLESSING to those around you in speech and manner of living. God will show you opportunities. 1 Peter 2:9

In Conclusion

Covid-19 is a dress rehearsal for other problems that will happen in our world. Jesus warned ahead of time. 


Let us read and pray 2 Timothy 1:7 over God’s people today. Also pray the 4 things we need to do to become second nature for us.


We will have scheduled morning devotions shortly

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